DR. Amelia T. Liberty
I currently serve my country as mentioned above at the National Leprosy and Tuberculosis Control Program, Ministry of Health, Republic of Liberia, where we ensure the control of Tuberculosis nationwide and working towards the goal of ending Tuberculosis in Liberia by 2035. In addition to my role above, I am a Biologist, a Medical Doctor and a Public Health Specialist (with emphasis in Healthcare Policy and Management) who enjoys using my skills to achieve all medical goals; especially, in preventing diseases, promoting equitable healthcare, achieving quality health and promoting life
expectancy for all citizens and residents of Liberia. I also hold certificates in Urology, Minimal Invasive Technology and Project Planning and Management.
Over the years, I have served the Liberian government administratively in different capacities at several entities, but in recent years, served the health sector in leadership roles as Medical Director of the George Way Harley Referral Hospital in Nimba County and as the Gbarpolu County Health Officer.
As per recent achievement in my career, I was awarded an Outstanding Service Award as Frontline Doctor during the fight against Covid-19.
I am also presently serving a charitable organization which deals with Residents with developmental and intellectual disabilities as ex-officio and member on the Board of Directors of the Antoinette Tubman Cheshire Home, by advocating and lobby for resources for the wellbeing of the residents and staff. My passion of such population extends beyond healthcare to making them feel special and a part of society.